Curriculum Vitae
Associate Professor 2018
Assistant Professor 2012
Department of Economics and Finance
O'Malley School of Business
Manhattan University
Riverdale, NY 10471
Assistant Professor 2012
Department of Economics and Finance
O'Malley School of Business
Manhattan University
Riverdale, NY 10471
Ph. D. in Economics: University of Pittsburgh, Department of Economics, 2012
Dissertation: Inter-temporal Choices with Temporal Preferences
M. S. in Financial Mathematics: The University of Chicago, Department of Mathematics
M. A. in Economics: The University of Chicago, Department of Economics
M. A. in Economics: Seoul National University, Department of Economics, South Korea
B. A. in Economics: Seoul National University, Department of Economics, South Korea
Dissertation: Inter-temporal Choices with Temporal Preferences
M. S. in Financial Mathematics: The University of Chicago, Department of Mathematics
M. A. in Economics: The University of Chicago, Department of Economics
M. A. in Economics: Seoul National University, Department of Economics, South Korea
B. A. in Economics: Seoul National University, Department of Economics, South Korea
Inter-temporal Choice
Bounded Rationality
Applied Theory, Mathematical Economics
Macroeconomics, Public Finance
Behavioral Economics, Decision Theory, Experimental Economics
Bounded Rationality
Applied Theory, Mathematical Economics
Macroeconomics, Public Finance
Behavioral Economics, Decision Theory, Experimental Economics
''Bounded Rationality and Optimal Retirement Age''
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2023
"A General Equilibrium Model of Dynamic Loss Aversion"
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2023
''Giving and volunteering over a lifecycle''
Review of Economics of the Household, 2022
"Inter-temporal Choices with Temporal Reference Dependence"
Research in Economics, 2019
''Multi-Bidder First Price Auction with Beliefs''
Studies in Microeconomics, 2019
"Bounded Rationality, Lifecycle Consumption and Social Security" With James Feigenbaum
Journal of Economic Behaviors and Organization, 2018
"Loss Aversion and Social Security: A General Equilibrium Approach"
International Review of Economics, 2017
"Reference Dependence and the Social Security System"
National Tax Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 2017
"Loss Aversion and Consumption Plan with Stochastic Reference Points"
B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 2016
''Asset Pricing Kernels in an OLG Economy with Housing''
International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2015
"Partially Funded Social Security and Inter-Generational Distribution"
Theoretical Economics Letters, 2014
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2023
"A General Equilibrium Model of Dynamic Loss Aversion"
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2023
''Giving and volunteering over a lifecycle''
Review of Economics of the Household, 2022
"Inter-temporal Choices with Temporal Reference Dependence"
Research in Economics, 2019
''Multi-Bidder First Price Auction with Beliefs''
Studies in Microeconomics, 2019
"Bounded Rationality, Lifecycle Consumption and Social Security" With James Feigenbaum
Journal of Economic Behaviors and Organization, 2018
"Loss Aversion and Social Security: A General Equilibrium Approach"
International Review of Economics, 2017
"Reference Dependence and the Social Security System"
National Tax Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 2017
"Loss Aversion and Consumption Plan with Stochastic Reference Points"
B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 2016
''Asset Pricing Kernels in an OLG Economy with Housing''
International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2015
"Partially Funded Social Security and Inter-Generational Distribution"
Theoretical Economics Letters, 2014
-Submitted, Under review, or R&R
"Present Biased Preference and The Constrained Consumer"
"Over-consumption in behavioral models and the role of Social Security"
-Other Works in Progress
"Reference Dependence, Factor Prices, and Welfare"
"Loss Aversion, Borrowing Constraints, and Stochastic Reference Points"
''Surplus Utility, Asset Prices and Reference Dependent Preferences''
"Time Allocation over a Lifecycle and Endogenous Labor Supply"
''A Bridge between Habit Formation and Reference Dependent Utility''
''Optimal Irrational Behavior with Idiosyncratic Risk''
"Dynamic Efficiency, Social Security, and the Learning Equilibria"
"Quasi-Hyperbolic Consumers, Re-optimization, and Social Security"
-2024 SABE/IAREP Conference (August 2024, Dundee, UK)
-The Foundations of Utility and Risk Conference (FUR) 2024 meeting (July 2024, Brisbane, Australia)
-99th Western Economic Association International Annual Conference (June 2024, Seattle, Washington)
-International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF) Annual Congress (August 2023, Logan, Utah)
-International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP) Conference (June 2023, Nice, France)
-International Conference on Economic Modeling and Data Science (September 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
-The Foundations of Utility and Risk Conference (FUR) 2022 meeting (July 2022, Gent, Belgium)
-97th Western Economic Association International Annual Conference (June 2022, Portland, Oregon)
-International Association for Research in Economic Psychology Conference (June 2022, Kristiansand, Norway)
-National Tax Association 114th Annual Conference on Taxation (November 2021, Detroit, virtual meeting)
-11th RCEA Money‐Macro‐Finance Conference (July, 2021, virtual meeting)
-International Conference on Economic Modeling and Data Science (July, 2021, virtual meeting)
-The Econometric Society Asian Meeting AMES (June 2021, virtual meeting)
-The Econometric Society European Meeting ESWM (December 2020, virtual meeting)
-SEA 90th Annual Meeting (November 2020, New Orleans, virtual meeting)
-SABE 2020 Annual Meeting (July 2020, Moscow, Russia, virtual meeting)
-95th Western Economic Association International Annual Conference (June 2020, Denver, Colorado, virtual
-Midwest Economic Theory Conference (May 2020, Greenville, SC: cancelled due to pandemic)
-Behavioral and Experimental Economics Meeting (BEEMA), (October 2019, Villanova)
-94th Western Economic Association International Annual Conference (July 2019, San Francisco)
-12th Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium (June 2019, Maastricht, Netherlands)
-Eastern Economic Association 45th Annual meeting (March 2019, NYC)
-National Tax Association 111th Annual Conference on Taxation (November 2018, New Orleans)
-93rd Western Economic Association International Annual Conference (June 2018, Vancouver, Canada)
-Eastern Economic Association 44th Annual meeting (March 2018, Boston)
-2017 Midwest Macroeconomic Meetings (November 2017, Pittsburgh)
-Behavioral and Experimental Economics Meeting (BEEMA), (October 2017, Philadelphia)
-New York State Economic Association Annual Meetings (October 2017, Farmingdale)
-Econometric Society North American Summer Meeting (June 2017, St. Louis)
-Midwest Economic Theory Conference (May 2017, Lexington)
-Eastern Economic Association 43rd Annual meeting (February 2017, NYC)
-Western Economic Association International 13th International Conference (January 2017, Santiago, Chile)
-National Tax Association 109th Annual Conference on Taxation (November 2016, Baltimore)
-New York State Economic Association Annual Meetings (November 2016, Farmingdale)
-International Institute of Public Finance 72nd Annual Congress (August 2016, Reno)
-Eastern Economic Association 42nd Annual Meeting (February 2016, Washington, D.C.)
-New York State Economic Association Annual Meetings (October, 2015, Albany)
-Tae-Sung Kim Memorial Seminar at Seoul National University (June 2015, Seoul, South Korea)
-Midwest Economic Association 79th Annual Meetings (March 2015, Minneapolis)
-Eastern Economic Association Annual Meeting (March 2015, NYC)
-New York State Economic Association Annual Meetings (October 2014, Albany)
-Society for Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE: July 2014, Reno)
-Eastern Economic Association Annual Meeting (March 2014, Boston)
-Midwest Economic Association 78th Annual Meetings (March 2014, Chicago)
-School of Business Seminar, Manhattan College (February 2014, NYC)
-New York State Economic Association Annual Meetings (October 2013, Farmingdale)
-Eastern Economic Association Annual Meeting (May 2013, NYC)
-School of Business Seminar, Manhattan College (April 2013, NYC)
-Economics Seminar, Fordham University (April 2013, NYC)
-School of Business Seminar, Manhattan College (October 2012, NYC)
-2012 Midwest Macroeconomic Meetings (May 2012, Notre Dame University)
-Midwest Economic Association 76th Annual Meetings (March 2012, Evanston)
-The Econometric Society North American Summer Meeting (June 2011, St. Louis)
-Midwest Economic Association 75th Annual Meetings (March 2011, St. Louis)
-Society for Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE: August 2010, San Diego)
-Quantitative Society for Pensions and Saving (QSPS: May 2010, Utah State University)
-Midwest Economic Association 74th Annual Meetings (March 2010, Evanston)
-Arts & Sciences Grad Expo, University of Pittsburgh (March 2010, Pittsburgh)
-Quantitative Society for Pensions and Saving (May 2009, Utah State University)
-Midwest Economic Association 73rd Annual Meetings (March 2009, Cleveland)
-2024 NBER-NSF Time Series Conference (September 2024, University of Pennsylvania)
-35th International Conference on Game Theory (July 2024, Stony Brook University)
-The Yale Program on Financial Stability (YPFS) Conference (July 2023)
"Fighting a Financial Crisis"
-33rd International Conference on Game Theory (July 2022, Stony Brook University)
-RCEA Webinar Series: Philippe Aghion (February 2022)
"Rethinking Capitalism after Covid: The Power of Creative Destruction"
-NoBeC Talk: Rachel Kranton (January 2022)
"Deconstructing Bias in Social Preferences"
-NoBeC Talk: Stephan Meier (December 2021)
"Gender Differences in Meaningful Work: Drivers and Implication"
-Online Public Finance Seminar: Jonathan Meer (December 2021)
"Charitable Giving Responses to Education Budgets"
-NoBeC Talk: Yan Chen (November 2021)
"The role of group identity in fostering political polarization"
-NoBeC Talk: Ray Duch (October 2021)
"Government Audits, Choice Architecture and Belief Updating"
-Yale International Center for Finance Webinar Series (September 2021)
"Blockchain? Decentralizing the Financial System: Innovation and Regulation"
-NoBeC Talk: Diego Aycinena (September 2021)
"Measuring Norms: Assessing Normative Expectation Elicitation Methods"
-MFS (Macro Finance Society) Virtual Summer School 2021 (August 2021)
Stefan Nagel - Asset pricing with subjective beliefs
David Thesmar - Micro methods for macro finance
Arvind Krishnamurthy - Macro-financial modeling of intermediaries
Jesse Schreger - Global Capital Allocation
-MAA Mathematics Festival (August 2021)
-International Conference on Game Theory (July 2021)
-Chair's Conversations in Economics: A Conversation with Leonardo Bursztyn (July 2021)
"How New Information Can Change Old Social Norms"
-BESC e-Seminar: Karl Schlag (July 2021)
"Axiomatic Bargaining under Uncertainty with the Help of Delay"
-The EcoMod 2021 Conference (July, 2021)
-RCEA Webinar Series: Claudio Borio (July 2021)
"Challenges for monetary policy: economic, intellectual and institutional"
-International Conference on Social Choice and Voting Theory (June 2021)
-Virtual Macro Seminar Series VMACS: Alessandra Peter (June 2021)
"Non-Linear Pricing and Misallocation"
-MiddExLab Experimental Economics Seminar: Georg Weizsäcker (June 2021)
"Co-audience neglect"
-Virtual Finance Workshop: "Demand-based Asset Pricing" (June 2021)
-The 15th NY Fed/NYU Stern Conference on Financial Intermediation (June 2021)
-Virtual Macro Seminar Series VMACS: Wei Cui (June 2021)
"A Ramsey Theory of Financial Distortions"
-SaMMF Virtual Seminar Series: Adriano Rampini (June 2021)
"Constrained-Efficient Capital Reallocation"
-NoBeC Talks: Stefano Fiorin (June 2021)
"From Extreme to Mainstream: The Erosion of Social Norms"
-Chair's Conversations in Economics: A Conversation with Ufuk Akcigit
"Understanding Economic Growth: Firms, Inventors, and Ideas"
-IAAE Webinar Series: Jonathan Wright (May 2021)
"The Phillips Curve: Heterogeneity across Space and Time"
-MiddExLab Experimental Economics Seminar: Danila Serra (May 2021)
"Gender and leadership in organizations: Promotions, demotions and angry workers"
-NoBeC Talks: Chris Roth (May 2021)
"Disguising Prejudice: Popular Rationales as Excuses for Intolerant Expression"
-Labor and Finance Online Seminar: Luigi Pistaferri (April 2021)
"Assortative Mating and Wealth Inequality"
-IAAE Webinar Series: James Hamilton (February 2021)
"Measuring Labor-Force Participation and the Incidence and Duration of Unemployment"
-Labor and Finance Online Seminar: David Sovich (February 2021)
"The Labor Cost of Pro-Labor Bias in Bankruptcy"
-IAAE Webinar Series: James Stock (January 2021)
"Measuring Real Activity using a Weekly Economic Index"
-Labor and Finance Online Seminar: David Sovich (January 2021)
"Aversion to Student Debt: Evidence from Low-wage Worker"
-IAAE Webinar Series: Heather Anderson (September 2020)
"Sectoral Employment Dynamics in Australia and Covid 19 Pandemic"
-IAAE Webinar Series: Todd Clark (August 2020)
"Capturing Macroeconomic Tail Risks with Bayesian Vector Autoregressions"
-MiddExLab Experimental Economics Seminar: Martin Dufwenberg (August 2020)
"Peer Evaluation Tournaments"
-UQ Behavioural and Economic Science Cluster (BESC) Seminar: Anna Dreber (August 2020)
"Which scientific results can we trust? Replications, prediction markets and surveys"
-22nd Annual Meeting of the Retirement and Disability Research Consortium (August 2020)
-12th The Econometric Society & Bocconi University Virtual World Congress (August 2020)
-MiddExLab Experimental Economics Seminar: Lise Vesterlund (August 2020)
"Negotiation Ban: The Effect of Negotiation on Wage Dispersion"
-IAAE Webinar Series: Hashem Pesaran (July 2020)
"Matching Theory and Evidence on Covid-19 using a Stochastic Model of Epidemics on Networks"
-UQ Behavioural and Economic Science Cluster (BESC) Seminar: John Duffy (July 2020)
"Small vs. Large Group Effects and Other Findings from a Mobile Platform Experiment"
-MiddExLab Experimental Economics Seminar: Ben Greiner (July 2020)
"The effect of a "None of the above" ballot paper option on voting behavior and election outcomes"
-MiddExLab Experimental Economics Seminar: Arno Riedl (July 2020)
"The Effect of Unfair Chances and Gender Discrimination on Labor Supply"
-Five-Star Conference on Research in Finance (December 2019, New York University)
-The 14th NY Fed/NYU Stern Conference on Financial Intermediation (November 2019, FRBNY)
-The KBRA and NYU Salomon Center's conference on Outlook for Credit Market (September 2019, NYU)
-The 9th Annual NYU Stern Microstructure Meeting (May 2019, NYU Stern)
-BPI Conference on Household Finance (April 2019, New York University)
-Five-Star Conference on Research in Finance (December 2018, New York University)
-Cowles Foundation for Economic Research: Economic Theory (June 2018, Yale University)
-The 13th NY Fed/NYU Stern Conference on Financial Intermediation (April 2018, FRBNY)
-Five-Star Conference on Research in Finance (December 2017, New York University)
-The 12th NY Fed/NYU Stern Conference on Financial Intermediation (May 2017, FRBNY)
-Five-Star Conference on Research in Finance (December 2016, New York University)
-Five-Star Conference on Research in Finance (December 2015, New York University)
-The 11th NYU Stern/NY Fed Conference on Financial Intermediation (May 2015, NYU Stern School of Business)
-Third Meeting on Behavioral and Experimental Economics BEEMA (October 2015, Haverford College)
-FRBNY/NYU Stern School of Business Joint Conference on Financial Intermediation (April 2015, FRBNY)
-Five-Star Conference on Research in Finance (December 2014, New York University)
-NYU Stern-Columbia Macro-finance (November 2014, New York University)
-Young Researcher SABE Pre-conference Workshop (July 2014, University of Nevada)
-25th International Conference on Game Theory (July 2014, Stony Brook University)
-Social Choice and Welfare Mini-Course on Market Design (June 2014, Boston College)
-Cowles Foundation for Economic Research: Economic Theory (June 2014, Yale University)
-22nd Symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (April 2014, Baruch College)
-School for Tomorrow: New York Times (September 2013, NYC)
Guest Editor
Mathematics (2024 - 2025)
Faculty Seminar Organizer
O'Malley School of Business, Manhattan College (2014- present)
Vice President
Behavioral and Experimental Economists of the Mid-Atlantic (BEEMA) 2017-2018
Scientific Committee
Behavioral and Experimental Economists of the Mid-Atlantic (BEEMA) 2018- now
Econometric Society
American Economic Association
Eastern Economic Association
Western Economic Association International (WEAI)
The Foundations of Utility and Risk Conference (FUR)
Society for Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE)
International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP)
National Tax Association (NTA)
International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF/CESifo)
Behavioral and Experimental Economists of the Mid-Atlantic (BEEMA)